Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Viewing Log Introduction

This is practice. I cannot stress this enough. I realize that I'm really putting myself out there, by publishing my thoughts on things (no matter how trivial they may seem) in a rather public way on the internet. So I should take this first blog post to state the intentions I have with this blogspot address.

Entertainment/media criticism is rampant these days. So, this is just what the world needs: another amateur yakker blogging about pop culture, right? There are enough voices flooding the blogspot world, do I really need to add to the noise?

No. I don't. But I don't really want to. I'm mainly using this space to practice writing about the things I'm watching, reading, and listening to. Publishing my thoughts is a way to force myself to form clear thoughts and opinions on the media I'm taking in. Consider these as "reaction papers" or an (admittedly) personal catalog. I may not have anything to add to the discussion at all, but will plainly list what I have been watching. That's my plan. If you've got something to add; feel free. This is mainly a blog for me and my friends, though I welcome anyone add to the discussion.

What I'm Viewing Now:
I'm watching the USA/Canada Olympic hockey game right now. 3rd period. I know next to nothing about hockey, besides playing Blades of Steel on Nintendo as a youngster (and wait, wasn't there a good N64 hockey game we played?). But this is exciting (US just tied it up, 2-2), as has been most of the Olympic coverage.

In the coming days, I may be adding my thoughts on Lost, The Oscars, Wall Street, and American Idol, amongst the many other things clogging my DVR, Netflix, and iTunes.

Let's have some fun.